Home Remedy Acupressure Points

Like many people out there, I love having an arsenal of home remedies within my grasp to use when my family, or I are feeling a little less than stellar. I have written a list of acupressure points you can add to your own personal arsenal of home remedies, to use in time of need.

Instead of posting the names of acupuncture points, I will instead offer areas of your body to massage to find relief. This makes it easier to understand and apply.

The best way to stimulate the point is to massage. You can press, knead, poke, pinch, or hold the area for 30 seconds to a minute. You can repeat a few times a day.

Although home remedy acupressure points are very helpful in a pinch, it is best to come in for a thorough acupuncture treatment if your condition persists. These acupressure points are just a few drips in a whole sea of acupuncture strategy to relieve symptoms and encourage healing.


First, I will just say that headaches and migraines are absolutely awful. I feel for anyone who gets them chronically.

Headaches and migraines come in many different forms. The location of the pain on the head, and the time of day/month/year also play a role in what points would help most. Here are a list of locations and points that may help.

  • Occipital Area - Located at the back of the head and top of the neck.

    • Massage the outside of your pinky toes and the base knuckles of your pinky fingers.

  • Whole Head +/or Forehead

    • Massage between knuckles of fingers and toes, where they attach to the hands/feet.

  • Temples - Located on the side of the head, above the ears.

    • Massage along the outside of the forearm, on the line from the pinky finger up to the elbow, giving extra love and attention to sensitive areas.

  • Above Temples - Located slightly above the temple area.

    • Massage along the line from the pinky finger to the elbow on the outer forearm, but focus on the area closer to the elbow.

  • Headaches that Come On Before, During or After Your Cycle

    • Massage the outside of your pinky toes and the base knuckles of your pinky fingers.


The most famous point for nausea is Pericardium 6 (Nei Guan). It is located on the inside of the forearm, 3 fingers up from the wrist crease. This point helps with any type of nausea such as motion sickness, pregnancy nausea, flu nausea, and hangover nausea.

Another area that may help is massaging under the medial malleolus of the ankle. The medial malleolus is the bony protrusion on the inside of your ankle. Massage under it, towards your heel.

Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain is the most common issue I help patients with.

The low back encompasses a large area, therefore it may be best to book an acupuncture treatment to find lasting relief. In the meantime, massaging the meaty muscle at the base of the thumbs may help ease the pain and tension.

Digestive Upset

Massaging along the tibialis anterior or “shin splint muscle” on the low leg can help with digestive issues. Massage from the knee down towards the feet.


Getting quality sleep is one of the most important pillars of health. If you regularly don’t sleep well, get help.

I have written a blog on how to get a wonderful night sleep. Please read to find out tips and tricks you can use to help get a good sleep every night.

For acupressure points to encourage sleep, Heart 7 (Shen Men) helps. It is located near the inner wrist crease just up from the pinky finger. Another area that can help is located at the base of the skull, just behind the ears. These are excellent calming points, and can help us fall asleep easier and rest deeper.

Anxiety and Stress

Finding tools to manage our stress and relieve anxiety is another pillar of health. If you suffer from chronic anxiety and/or stress, please get help.

In situations where stress and anxiety get more prevalent, gentle massage along the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle can help calm our nerves. To find this muscle, turn your head from side to side. The SCM will stick out a little bit on the front-side of your neck when you do this.

The SCM runs from the base of the skull, just under the ears, to the medial tip of the clavicle, or collar bone. The vagus nerve travels through the SCM, therefore gentle massage on this muscle stimulates the vagus nerve and can help us relax.


These are simple and easy-to-use Home Remedy Acupressure Points that you can use in a pinch. If they do not help, don’t lose hope. They may not be the specific points your body needs. Instead book an appointment with a qualified acupuncturist to get to the root of your health issue.


Tameana Crystal Healing